Teaching Course - Module 2C - Dunham Massey, Cheshire

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About this course:

This course shows new and experienced teachers how to support their students and develop the necessary foundation skills for good ringing and then move forward to ringing changes. 


You will learn through a mixture of practical and classroom sessions

  • Foundation skills
  • Call Changes
  • Kaleidoscope ringing
  • Standing behind
  • Plain Hunting

The practical exercises approach learning in small structured steps and are delivered in a way that is entertaining for the new ringer whilst the theory sessions cover foundation skills, teaching theory, running practices, team building and how to motivate and retain your ringers.

The foundation skill techniques are covered in the practical sessions, and you then move on to concentrate on the development of change ringing skills using exercises and unusual methods to aid learning.

The transition from Plain Hunt to Plain Bob Doubles and Plain Bob Minor is broken down into several simpler, shorter steps, making the jump into change ringing both more gradual and understandable to the new ringer.

The theory sessions turn the spotlight on developing leadership skills.

The local event organisers would also appreciate it if delegates made a small donation of £2 in the tower money box, to cover use of the Church facilities.

Event Details

Event Start Sat 18-Jan-2020 09:30
Event End Sat 18-Jan-2020 17:00
Registration Closes
Fri 17-Jan-2020 12:00
Capacity 14
Registered 6
Available places 8
Event Fee £20 per attendee. £2 suggested tower donation, Optional buffet lunch costing £6 (both payable on the day)
Event Prerequisites You must be a bell-ringing teacher (or would-be teacher) aged 14 or over.
You must have sufficiently good bell control to be able to inspire confidence in others and an ability to comfortably ring up and down in peal.
You must have rung a quarter peal on an inside bell of Bob Minor standard or above, recorded on Bellboard
Location St Margaret, Dunham Massey, Cheshire


Moira Johnson


Moira started ringing in 1990 at the age of 11. Already an active member of St. George & St Mary’s church, she started to ring as a hobby for her Duke of Edinburgh awards. She rang until around the age of 16, although less frequently and then disappeared from the ringing scene for around 20 years to concentrate on college, university, family and her career.

The bells of Church Gresley were out of action for around 8 years, in which time Moira was ready to return to ringing but didn’t really know anything about the world of ringing outside of Church Gresley or know any other ringers. In 2014 the bells were ready to ring again and Moira was asked to take on the task of getting them ringing again, probably because she had pestered the PCC for the duration of the bells being unringable. Not knowing where to start, Moira agreed to do something. Thankfully by chance Moira had become friends with John Cater on Facebook some months before so asked if he would help her. Moira and John had not seen each other for 20+ years, but John kindly agreed to help. John introduce Moira to ART and they both quickly went through M1 & M2 and taught a new band from scratch. Unfortunately the bells at Gresley are out of action again, but that’s another story.

Moira is now a teacher, mentor, Tutor and Assessor for ART and runs the South Derbyshire Ringing Centre with John.

If Moira isn’t ringing then she’s busy doing something else, DIY, tending to her allotment, working away, spending time with her dog, cats & family, running or going to bootcamp. If there ever is time to relax though, it’s with a large glass of Sauvignon!